Parent Volunteers

With the increased need for security on all campuses, NHE will continue to use VOLY to sign in all visitors on campus. If you plan on visiting campus, please make sure to bring your driver's license into the front office to be scanned by our VOLY system.

During occasions when we have a big event, we will send out an RSVP ahead of time for you to complete to help speed up the check in process.


Please take a few moments to register as a volunteer at Voly.

All volunteers are required to register and maintain their clearance to volunteer each year.

Once you've registered with Voly and cleared your background check, please review the volunteer opportunities and sign up here! You must be a registered user of this site to review the opportunities. 





After volunteering, don't forget to log your hours! Logging your hours is EASY!! Log your hours by clicking Log Volunteer Hours (smart-phone friendly!) or by emailing You don't need to know the exact date - just give the month and cumulative hours volunteered. 


RISD grants award levels to schools based on volunteer hours. Each school year, NHE easily exceeds the required hours to meet the PLATINUM Award status, which is ten times the school's student enrollment. We are proud of this tradition and encourage you to submit your hours to maintain the status. If it benefits the school, it counts as hours!


In addition, every May during our NHE Awards Night, volunteers who log more than 25 hours between May 15,2024 and May 14,2025 are presented with a Volunteer Certificate. 


Curious what counts at volunteer hours? The rule of thumb is "If it benefits the school, it counts!" Even eating lunch with your child(ren) or a parent-teacher conference counts as volunteer hours. Check out this list from the RISD Council of PTAs with even more ideas by clicking here.


Use the lists below to help jog your memory. You can even copy and paste the list below into an email to the volunteer chair and put your hours next to each opportunity you attended or volunteered. This is not an exhaustive list but something to get  you started!


  • Grade Level Field Trips
  • Library Volunteering
  • Classroom Volunteering
  • Lunches at school with students
  • Parent - Teacher - School Staff conferences
  • Parent Ed or other campus programs 
  • Wednesday Wake Up and Walk
  • Invention Convention
  • Destination Imagination
  • Lone Star Challenge

Check out this list from the RISD Council of PTAs with even more ideas by clicking here. Still not sure? Email with any questions. 



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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.