Question: I have a suggestion or question about school policies. Who do I contact?
Answer: If the question concerns school-wide policies, contact the Principal.


Question: I have a question about the district. Who do I contact?
Answer: From time to time, students, parents, residents or taxpayers have questions about information or issues related to RISD, but aren’t sure who to ask or where to go for information. We’re Glad You Asked is a feature on the RISD website that lets stakeholders ask questions about anything related to RISD, and you’ll receive an emailed response from the appropriate RISD staff member. Some questions & answers may be featured in district publications. Simply visit to use this feature.

Question: I want to have lunch with my child at school. Are there guidelines I should know about?
Answer: Parents first sign in at the front office and proceed to the cafeteria. Parents visiting for lunch are invited to sit at special reserved seating on the stage.  Parents can bring food for their own child only. Parents should refrain from visiting the first week of school and during state testing dates.

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