What Does the PTA Do?
In addition to supporting our school through volunteering, NHE PTA raises money each year for programs, staff support, and so much more. These items are part of our NHE PTA Budget, which is voted on annually, at the year-end meeting, by the NHE PTA membership.
At the end of each fiscal year (July 1-June 30), any funds that were not needed for the budget and are not required to roll over to the following year's budget may be allocated as "Designated Funds" to support the students and school upon approval of the NHE PTA membership and in line with the rules of PTA and Richardson ISD.
Want to see what we accomplished last year? Check out our fundraising results here.
During the 24-25 school year Northwood Hills Elementary PTA will fund and organize:
- Gifts for ALL the staff for the holidays
- Monthly staff breakfast, lunch, or treats
- Stock the Lounge
- Class supply supplement for each teacher ($200)
- Flexible Student Seating
- Spirit T-Shirt for ALL students and staff to be worn during field trips, field day, Spirit Fridays and throughout the year
- Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) Prizes for Students and Staff
- Red Ribbon Week theme and daily special prizes
- Family movie night FREE for everyone
- Multi-Cultural Night (you should taste the food!)
- Family Outreach, AKA Future Falcons
- Pancake Supper
- Think Tank, our version of STEM. We provide Supplies and Curriculum for Science, Math Enrichments, and Projects
- Local Field Trips for each grade level
- Out-of-Town Field Trips for 4th and 5th grade
- Library Programs (Scholastic Book Fair, author visits, Accelerated Reader Program and Rewards, and the used book fair)
- Freddie's Farm (Our Outdoor Learning Environment with a full garden and chicken coop)
- Campus Clubs: Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Soccer, Crafting, Yearbook, Cooking Connections, Destination Imagination, Lone Star Challenge
- Reflections Art Contest
- 6th Grade Advisory (special t-shirts, end-of-year party, clap out, graduation, teacher vs. student kick ball game, picnic)
- Glow Dance (4-6 grade students)
- No Hungry Child/Food Pantry
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Technology: Refresh items such as iPad headphones, chargers, bricks, and walkie-talkies for use during dismissal
- NHE Float in RHS Homecoming Parade
- Freddie Falcon Mascot Costume
- Quarterly Rewards Party
- Field Day
You can contact the Financial Reporting chair at financialreporting@nhepta.org.