Each day at NHE is filled with learning in a variety of ways and activities. Below are some of the most frequently requested schedules.
If you would like to volunteer during any of the instructional time, including in the library, you will need to complete the RISD required background check by visiting
For first time Voly users or those needing a refresher, click here for an how-to video or click here for volunteering written instructions. 
If you are coming to have lunch with your student, you do not have to have a completed background check but will be required to have your ID and sign in and out at the front desk.
If you have any questions or would like to confirm a specific schedule, please contact the school at (469) 593-4300.

2019-2020 Library Schedule

You can volunteer during your child’s library class or any time the library is open to check books in/out, tag books for the Accelerated Reader (AR) program, repair books, and shelve returned books. If you would like to help, please contact the NHE PTA Literacy Chair at Click 2019-2020 Library Schedule to see the complete schedule. 


2019-2020 Lunch Schedule

Come and have lunch with your student! Simply have your ID and make sure you sign in and out at the front office. Click 2019-2020 NHE Lunch Schedule to see your student's lunch time.



Art, Music and PE are referred to as 'Specials' at NHE.  Click 2019-2020 NHE Specials Schedule to reference the special schedule for each day. Note that these schedules are subject to change if other events and programs are taking place at the school.



Get excited & come help your child and his/her classmates during their Think Tank time at school! Click 2019-2020 Think Tank Schedule to find out when your student's class attends Think Tank.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Cheryl Derrington at or the PTA Think Tank Chair at You will need to have completed the required RISD background check to volunteer. 


The Think Tank is an active learning laboratory where all students go to work with hands-on math activities and science experiments. The emphasis is on developing higher level thinking skills and broadening the scope of learning for all students in grades Kindergarten through 6th.

The idea for the Think Tank (formerly known as the NEST) was developed in 1991 by a committee of parents and teachers. The PTA continues to be committed to the success of the lab.


REACH & QUEST Schedules

REACH addresses the needs of the gifted and talented student by offering a differentiated curriculum focusing on critical thinking, analytical thinking, creativity, and independent learning.

Those students identified as gifted and talented may attend REACH classes beginning in Kindergarten.


Primary REACH classes are held in grades 1 through 3 on Wednesdays at NHE.


Intermediate REACH for grades 4 through 6 is on Mondays at Bowie Elementary. The bus to Bowie picks up students at 7:40am and returns them back to campus between 2:30-3:00pm.


ROBI (Reaching Out for Bright Ideas) is for kindergartners and is presented to all students in their classrooms once a week during the Fall semester on Wednesdays.


QUEST is for second grade in the Spring.

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.